Who We Are

History of the Club

The San Buenaventura Women’s Club affiliated with the Ventura County Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1928, with the California Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1945 and with the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1949, as a non-profit service organization of volunteer women.

Incorporated in the State of California, July 1953, San Buenaventura Women’s Club held the first meeting in the new Women’s Center on October 8, 1957. The Club has 100+ members and belongs to a District of 11 Clubs in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties.


Club Mission

Our mission is to provide philanthropic support to civic, educational, cultural, and social welfare programs in our community and to provide friendship and personal growth to our members through meetings, programs, and interest groups.

San Buenaventura Women's Club